Culturally as well, Egypt is the melting pot of a variety of cultures. We might know the country from their flourishing ancient civilization that left indelible heliographic markings of pharaohs and the great pyramids of Giza, but that was just the beginning. Having a prime location on the world map that connected the frenzied conquerors of Europe with Asia, Egypt became the port of plenty through the Suez Canal.


egypt pyramaids

Egypt has been the colony for almost every successful conquest of the West that tried to make its way to the East – Assyrians, Persians, Arabs, Ottomans, French and of course, the British. Each ruling foreigner was defeated, but left behind pieces of their way of life and culture that has been amalgamated with the overall Egyptian way of life. You can still see glimpses of each of the aliens, but the Pyramids always overcast them; the true Egyptian history has been preserved through the centuries.