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Planning a visit to Poland? Here are 12 interesting facts about Poland to be know averse of the cross cultural aspects. If you visit this amazing country, don’t forget to try some zapicancas and perogis!

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1. Predating even before Christianity was this fun filled festival called the Saint John’s Kupala is a popular holiday in which people jump over fires.

2. Polish people marry really early as compared to the average marriageable age which is 24 years old for women and 26.5 years old for men in average within the European Union.

3. You’d be amazed to know that Poles have won 17 Nobel prizes more than Japan, China, India or Australia including four Peace Prizes and five in Literature.

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4. A famous custom among the Poles during Wianki people is that woman go to the riverbanks and float wreaths with candles on them on the water and if it floats to a woman on the other side, she’ll find love. If it circles three times, she’ll be unlucky with her love life.

5. The first floor in Poland is called the “parter.” When you enter a home you have to leave anything that is cloth at the door and not wear any form of  religious symbols or you could offend the host.

6. Pizza in Poland does not contain tomato sauce. The waiters bring sauce to the table in a bowl, and you pour it on top as much you need and guess what sometimes the sauce is just ketchup.

7. Some of the Polish beers available have only 10% alcohol.

8. Military personnel salute each other with two fingers.

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9. Przystanek Woodstock is the biggest open-air festival in Europe–an annual free rock music festival in Poland, inspired by and named for the Woodstock Festival.

10. 90% of the people are Roman Catholic.  There is even a Pope channel on TV.

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11.Flaczki is a wholesome delicacy. If you boil the national dish Bigos for longer than three days it gives off a deadly gas. It is now being used in Iraq and Afghanistan.

12. In Poland, bananas are peeled the other way round that is from the blossom end, not from the stem end.
